Smart Surface Technology.

Wilhelm Taubert GmbH uses electron beam technology to refine foils tunring them into semi-finished products, for example as furniture surfaces. The surfaces are produced with a low material and energy input, environmentally friendly, and recyclable, creating extremely durable films for a wide range of interior applications.


One technology, countless possibilities.

We use electron accelerators to cross-link lacquer systems. This technology is particularly environmentally friendly since the entire process forgos solvents and formaldehyde. More, the energy requirement is low.

The electron accelerator accelerates the electrons to almost the speed of light in an evacuated space with an electric field under high voltage. The electrons pass through a titanium foil and enter the foil. This leads to a chain polymerisation that penetrates deep into the material, causing the material to completely cross-link which influences the product characteristics positively.

Focus on WITAFILM:

Release film

WITAfilm is a foil-based release film that transfers specially developed textures onto surfaces and optimises their design and feel. In this process, a foil film is coated with lacquer that has, for example, a folded texture. The texture passes on anti-fingerprint characteristics to the finished product. The resulting semi-finished product is used for further processing for roll-to-roll products or for surface manipulation on sheet products.


A young team with a lot of experience

CEO and founder Wilhelm Taubert handed over the company’s management to his daughter Sarah Taubert in 2019. Together they rely on a motivated and dynamic team.

  • Research & Development

    Dr. Hanna Thierfeld

    Head of Research and Development

  • Jamie-Liza Lenders


  • Buchhaltung

    Annegret Kallmeyer


  • Project Management

    Kilian Tenorth

    Project development

  • Sarah Taubert

    Managing director

  • Heike Hillmann

    Team Assistant

    +49 (0) 281 20 64 60 0

  • Operations Manager

    Björn Rischke

    Operations Manager

  • Wilhelm Taubert

    Managing director

Career at Taubert

Taubert GmbH is growing at both locations in Wesel and Möckern. With its technology and production, the company is exactly in tune with the current times. Would you like to become part of Team Taubert? Apply now!